"I have an idea."
When I was in my corporate job, the words "I have an idea" meant only one thing - more work for the staff. Okay, the pay-off was always positive, but it meant re-tooling, re-writing, or just a pile more to do. We don't need to go into the details, but the benefit my ideas brought to the nonprofit where I directed Community Relations were tangible.
About a week ago, my husband and I were driving home from Las Vegas. We really enjoy our road trips... and if I'm not napping, or reading - we talk. We brainstorm, make plans, joke... that day we came up with a really great idea for a reality show [and I already pitched it to one of the show-biz members of the family][who liked it!] and I also came up with a way to change one of my pieces that I've had around for a long time.
I know other artists change their minds about pieces they've created... I've made some changes to a few that have really improved them. This time, I wanted to change "I Want Khandi." It's a long and kinda strange story about how that piece came about, but let's just say I was tired of looking at it. As you might know, I am in an Icons, Angels and Personal Demons mode. So, my husband & I were laughing and I was thinking creative thoughts...I started thinking of Hindu dieties... and decided to transform Khandi into a Hindu goddess. She was going from "I Want Khandi" to "I Want Gandi." Ha ha ha ....
Okay - we get home, and I am back to business. I am under the gun to finish a commission for Coors. BTW - here it is, done. 3'x6' incorporating Coors' materials. It is on its way to Denver as I speak...

And, during the wee hours, I started putzing around on the internet looking at images of Hindu Goddesses... and trying to figure out how [in an hour or so] I am going to turn Khandi into something completely different.
As I started working, she lost her cleavage for a gold embellished red sari. Her hair went from brown to black. Her eyes got bigger, her lips curvier, her teeth smaller, and then I started obsessing. As I did more research, I was happy to know her skin tone needed to be golden [check!]. She needed multiple arms. I added a few. They're coming in from the side, but they're there. She needed a string of beads, a crown, earrings, precious jewels, a lotus blossom. Water should be represented. Good thing the background is a swirl with blues and purples and greens. I wanted to make sure my representation of the universal Shakti would not offend Hindus... And, the title is now "Lakshmi" - She is the Goddess of Fortune. One hand holds a lotus, the other creates a cascade of gold coins -bestowing riches to her followers. She is also the embodiment of love.
And, like me - she is restless, whimsical & maternal. Take a look @ before & after.

When I said "I have an idea," I thought this would take an hour instead, it took 3 days... in between other projects. I hope Khandi isn't waiting for her portrait [!]. Now, it is super shiny and glittery.
If you're in Scottsdale this weekend, I hope you'll come see it in person at ArtFest... at Scottsdale Civic Center Saturday & Sunday. More here.
Other than a number of originals, I also have some amazing giclee prints, prints on paper and greeting cards. I might even surprise you with some one-of-a-kind jewelry! Art from $12.00 - $3,000.00 - Mention you read my blog and you'll receive a discount...!
Gotta go, I have an idea...
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